
The question of large wildlife in a territory has always been dependent on the relationships we have with the natural environment in which we live and upon which we depend.

The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation aims to ensure the smooth progression of human activities while promoting the flourishing of biodiversity. It has supported numerous projects in various countries on this theme.

Furthermore, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation launched the Human-Wildlife Initiative in 2020 with its partners: the National Council for Nature Protection, the Chamber of Agriculture of Alpes-Maritimes, the Federation of Hunters of Alpes-Maritimes, and the League for the Protection of Birds in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.

The objective is to bring forth innovative and concrete proposals regarding a better consideration of wild fauna in territory management.

In 2023, about thirty projects were supported throughout the South region - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, involving eleven target species: wolves, wild boars, chamois, mouflons, ibexes, foxes, avifauna, deer, mustelids, rodents, and bats. A network of 'insiders,' i.e., actors rooted in the territory and carrying a cohabitation project between human activities and wild fauna, has been established.

As a consequence of this success, the Initiative has decided to expand its actions to other territories where conflicts are similar.

Thanks to the Spanish branch of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, a partner have been identified in Spain: The Observatorio Grupo Campo Grande, a national think tank, benefiting from the technical support of the Fundación Entretantos.

This new initiative is named the "Iniciativa Humanidad – Fauna silvestre"