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Participation in the 9th Festival Images et Montagnes


On Saturday 15 July 2023 in Saint Martin Vésubie, the Initiative Homme - Faune Sauvage (IHF) organised its second conference and exchange to present the activities carried out in the field.

Members of the Initiative's Steering Committee were present:

-        Dr Véronique Luddeni, representing the Conseil National de la Protection de la Nature (National Council for the Protection of Nature)

-        Monique Bassoleil, representing the Alpes-Maritimes Chamber of Agriculture

-        Myriam Aarras and Philippe Mondielli, representing the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation

Each member of the initiative led a panel discussion. The Initiative's project leaders presented their actions and explained how they promote cohabitation between human activities and wildlife.

The first panel, which focused on the cohabitation of leisure activities and wildlife, was attended by :

·       Chloé Prieur - Groupe Chiroptères de Provence ;

·       Florent Adamo - photographer and video maker;

·       Maxime Juignet - Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux PACA ;

·       Aline Viguier Le Griel - Association Hervé Gourdel

The second panel, more focused on the cohabitation between pastoralism and wildlife, brought together :

·       Nathalie Siefert - Mercantour National Park

·       Morgane Ganault - Association Curieux de Nature

The third panel, focusing more on the cohabitation between wildlife and future generations, brought together :

·       Nassima Reutlinger - Association La louve bleue ;

·       Jacques Yves Enault - Academic Delegation for Artistic Education and Cultural Action ;

Finally, the fourth panel, more focused on cohabitation with the wolf, welcomed :

·       Gilles Cheylan - French Society for the Study and Protection of Mammals ;

·       Mirjam Neu - Consultant

·       Romane Darzacq - France Nature Environnement PACA Association

·       Allain Collomb - France Nature Environnement PACA Association

These four sessions were punctuated by discussions and exchanges with the audience.

The conference was followed by time for project developers to share their ideas: a creative watercolour workshop and a workshop to reflect on the sharing of water resources between human activities and wildlife. These workshops were led by project promoters. The day ended with a screening of the film "Le pari", about mountain galliformes, in the presence of director Baptiste Deturche.