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The 15th IUCN/SSC International Otter Congress

Press release

On Monday 19 September, the Human - Wildlife Initiative participated in the launch of the 15th International Otter Congress in Sospel, organised by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), from 19 to 23 September.

The thirteen otter species, semi-aquatic predators, have suffered a worrying decline over the last century at the global level, due to hunting pressure linked to fur trade and the multiple pressures that persist in the world's aquatic environments.

Since 1976, the International Otter Congresses have brought together experts from all continents to discuss developments in research on otter ecology and biology, the conservation status of their habitats, threats, communication strategies and the involvement of local communities.

Holding the Congress in Sospel is symbolic because, 50 years after its "disappearance", a population of otters has been discovered in the valleys of the Bévéra and Roya rivers.

About the Human - Wildlife Initiative

Natural areas host numerous economic and leisure activities, which can interact with wildlife. Good cohabitation requires a harmonious sharing of territory and resources, so that biodiversity can flourish while allowing for the proper functioning of the human activities in question. The coexistence issue arises in particular in France in the South region - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (PACA), which, due to its geographical and climatic specificities, presents a great diversity of environments and species.

The Initiative was created in 2020 through a joint effort between the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Conseil National de Protection de la Nature (National Council for Nature Conservation), the Alpes-Maritimes Chamber of Agriculture, the Alpes-Maritimes Hunting Federation and the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur League for the Protection of Birds. Its aim is to develop innovative and concrete solutions to improve the relationship between wildlife and human activities: agriculture, tourism, hunting, nature sports and forest management.

About IUCN

IUCN is the world's leading authority on nature conservation. It provides technical support to governments, NGOs and local communities in developing programmes, laws and strategies for the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of the world's resources. In particular, the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) provides advice on the technical and scientific aspects of species conservation, with over 10,000 experts worldwide.