Projects Supported

France Nature Environnement PACA

Alpatous for peaceful coexistence in the mountains, season 3

Alpatous for peaceful coexistence in the mountains, season 3

April 2023 - December 2023 / 9 months

The various players in mountain environments are finding it difficult to coexist with each other and with the wild fauna whose territory they share. Rural areas are having to face up to new biodiversity challenges, such as the return of predators like the wolf. The socio-economic and psychological…

Peaceful cohabitation in the mountains

Peaceful cohabitation in the mountains

January 2021 - June 2022 / 18 months

The Association France Nature Environnement PACA proposes various awareness-raising actions aimed at peaceful cohabitation in the mountains and a better understanding of existing conflicts, such as information days for the general public, trainings for volunteers from associations and visits to…
